Sunday, September 18, 2011

Scholarship for Masters in private equity and investment funds

Equinox Ltd., a company active in the promotion of investments in private equity, allocating a scholarship to cover the total participation in the "Master in Private Equity and Investment Funds" in English, organized by the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg- collaboration with the Institute of Bankers of Luxembourg and Training Academy with PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

The registration fee for the Master is € 6,500. The scholarship pays tribute to the memory of Claude Deschenaux, former Vice President of Equinox SA, and member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce. It 'also a second grant covering 50% of the cost of the course.

The master, now in its fourth year, takes place entirely in Luxembourg, the first square in Europe and second place worldwide in the management of investment funds, from 17 October to 16 December 2011 and allows the integration of technical expertise in the field with experience field. At the classroom followed them three months internship from January 2012 with banks and financial companies. At the end of the course-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce will organize 'the "Day Job", a day devoted to discussions among the participants of the master and human resource managers of banks and partners in the initiative.

The deadline for applications is September 29, 2011

The program and registration details, please visit

Contact: Chamber of Commerce-Luxembourg - 45, Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, NC - L-1331 Luxembourg - Tel +352 4550831 Fax: +352 448 076 E-mail: