Tuesday, April 17, 2012

After forgery: What happens to scholarship?

The highly doped EU research grant to Robert Schwarzenbacher after its cancellation is not likely to be recovered. Schwarzenbach has indeed been canceled because of a forgery flown out of college.

The researcher has been canceled because of a forgery flown by Rector Heinrich Schmidinger. Falsified, the 39-year-old scientist, a native of Pinzgauer, the structure of a birch pollen allergen. American colleagues have uncovered the fraud end of January.
Curie prize distributed to working group

The prize, worth 1.7 million euros Marie Curie Award has Schwarzenbacher received in 2006 and thus before the proven forgery. The price for him and his group was spread over four years. For a Röntengenkristallograph was purchased.

Because now be flown to be forgeries, but happens at a later date, the scholarship will not be affected.
"Wish him that he learns from misconduct"

A university for the future is Schwarzenbacher with flying up the forgery virtually impossible, says Rector Heinrich Schmidinger.

"There are several opportunities for research, not only the university. There are labs that are run by the industry or economy. Maybe he has a chance there again - I wish him anyway. But at a university, it will be very difficult for him. I wish him that he learns from this obvious misconduct, and he will continue providing similarly good academic record, as he has been rendered so, "said Schmidinger.
READ MORE - After forgery: What happens to scholarship?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Scholarship for the MBA program

For members of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf Business School GmbH praises the scholarship for the program in general management (in English) with the degree of Master of Business Administration MBA. Baseline is April 16, 2012.

Tuition fees in amount from €20,000 to €24,900 covers the scholarship, so that  the fellow merely a contribution to raise from €4,900. Included are the attendance of all required and elective courses of the presence study, the preparation of the thesis, participating in all the tests and teaching materials. Upon successful graduation, the applicant or the applicant meets the academic degree of Master of Business Administration MBA gets awarded by the Economics Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine-University.

Applications are due by April 3, 2012 addressed to the Managing Director of Düsseldorf Business School GmbH, Prof. Dr. Christoph Borner, Department of Economics, notably financial services, Heinrich Heine University, University of road. 1, 40225 Düsseldorf.

Must meet requirements that applicants for this scholarship are:

- Employment at the Heinrich-Heine-University,

- Completed a diploma, 1st State Examination, Master, Bachelor, Master or equivalent (international) qualifications of any discipline,

- At least two years of work experience with the first guide and the target, take leadership roles in the future,

- The proof of sufficient English language skills, which usually evidenced by a TOEFL or IELTS test and a GMAT test are

- The willingness to operate part-time over 21 months, the MBA program with great commitment,

- The willingness to participate in all required and elective courses of study as well as presence in all the course examinations leading to an MBA.

The course usually takes place on Monday and Tuesday evening and Saturday morning held at the Orangerie of Benrath Palace. Applicants or applicants with young children will be given the opportunity to request for extension of hours present, then the corresponding extended period of study.

After an interview with the manager decides the Scientific Advisory Board of Düsseldorf Business School GmbH, the final award of the scholarship and admission to higher education.

For more information about the study:

 www.duesseldorf-business school.de

Graduate Kff Helen Steinrück
Tel: +49 (0) 211/7119222
READ MORE - Scholarship for the MBA program

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Studied at German universities with 300 euros a month

Those who have good grades, can be studied at German universities for 300 euros a month to get support - the money for companies and the state bere.

If the OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, its annual report on form submit, then Germany regularly gets low marks on one point: there are too few in the Federal Republic of academics, there is a lack of skilled labor.

The proportion of graduates in the population aged between 25 and 64 years is 26 percent. This means that Germany is indeed followed by Austria (19 percent), but below the OECD average (30 percent).

As before, the path leads to the University in Germany, mostly on the wallets of parents. The income of an average student is put together according to a survey of German students work together as follows: 48 percent control with Mama and Papa, 26 percent have their own merit, 15 percent BafoG (state support), and eleven percent come from other sources.

"We want to create a scholarship in Germany at last culture," says Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU). Because this is in contrast to the U.S. or Japan in the Federal Republic is not very pronounced.

To pave the way for more young people to universities, the German Federal Government called Germany 2011, the scholarship has introduced. It is 300 € per month and is paid to gifted and industrious student, so to those who have above-average scores, and provided also a special personal power have - "about the successful overcoming of obstacles in their own educational biography," as in The guidelines say.

Promotion for foreigners

That means: promoting Worthy is someone who has worked its way from humble beginnings to the university. Also welcome are students engaged in voluntary work. Irrelevant, however, is the financial background of candidates.

Of interest to Austrians: The Germany-grant is not only Germans, and foreigners can apply. Chances are also not bad because the funding was in the first semester (Fall 2011) not yet used to the extent as the German government had hoped. The big run is in the initial phase failed to materialize. The money paid out at least two semesters and a maximum until the end of the study period. It is financed not only by the State, for the first time in Germany are also called private institutions to participate.

The federal government gives 150 euros, the other half is controlled by companies that can sell their share of the tax. The average private provider must collect the individual universities themselves. Who encourages students must have a say in the use of a word means. This allows companies to let their money flow into a specific subject area. However, this is possible only when two thirds of the funding. More than a third, the universities can have free. The Ministry of Education in Berlin, one is convinced by the concept. The financing of higher education is not solely the responsibility of the state. The whole society must take on more responsibility.
READ MORE - Studied at German universities with 300 euros a month

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Start Scholarship

Help for students with an immigrant background. SAARBRUCKEN awards for the seventh time the Start Foundation - a project of the Hertie-Stiftung gGmbH in Saarland scholarships to dedicated and high achievers with a migration background.

Start supports young people on their way to school and strengthen their educational opportunities. For participation are required in addition to the family migrant community involvement and good school grades. The scholarship is aimed specifically at students of all types of schools. Applicants should be grades 9 or 10 (at 13 years of schooling) or visit 8 or 9 (at 12 years of schooling).

In addition to a monthly payment of €100  for education related purchases and activities include the scholarship a laptop with printer and Internet connection. In the center of the ideological promotion seminars are in the areas of personality development, public speaking, democracy, media and intercultural competence. In addition, fellows attend events with an artistic, social and natural science as well as economic and sporting focus.

From February 1 to  March 1, interested parties can submit stiftung.de www.start on a short application. This is a first register, then after will be forwarded to the application form. Has the short application convinced the candidate receives the request, the online profile to 20 Add to april. The final selection of the new scholarship is based on personal interviews, which took place before the summer holidays.
READ MORE - Start Scholarship

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scholarship for students from immigrant families

 Until March 1, 2012  students with immigrant backgrounds can apply for the "Starting Grant" by the Hertie Foundation. The initiative aims to encourage young people engaged on their way to school materials and ideas.

Applications are invited from young people are better off the eighth grade, of which at least one parent or grandparents were not born in Germany, and a GPA of 2.5 or. In addition, the candidates need because of the financial situation of their families with additional support and get involved with others, such as class, instructor in the sport or mediator. The scholarship program is available in all states except Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg.

The recipients will receive € 100 per month training allowance, a laptop with printer and Internet access, additional financial support, for example, for language courses or study trips. They can also attend various seminars and advice on their academic and personal development.

The application is online and in three stages. By 1 March 2012 to give the students first a brief application. The best will be invited to the Nachzureichen April 20, 2012, a detailed application, including a report from a teacher. The candidates who are convinced at this stage will be invited for an interview. In the academic year 2012/2013 a total of about 710 students from some 90 countries of origin should be encouraged.

For more information: http://www.start-stiftung.de/stipendium/
READ MORE - Scholarship for students from immigrant families

Thursday, February 2, 2012

'Gastro-scholarship 2012' Orderman awards

Two scholarships worth a total of 4,000 Euros are open to students and pupils in Gastro-education institutions to apply now via Facebook. Orderman the initiative 'Orderman Gastro-scholarship 2012' to life
called in to support ambitious future restaurateurs.

The eligible students are Austrian, German and Swiss schools students with an emphasis on hospitality and tourism. Students is endowed with 2,500 € and the one for the students with
1500 €. Submissions are now available via Facebook at
http://www.facebook.com/orderman possible. Application deadline is
Friday the  April,13 2012.

   In awarding the scholarship, the academic performance the secondary candidates. "Our goal is ambitious future to encourage restaurateurs. We select the student or students, where we have the feeling that they do with their personality and provide their ideas, innovative and successful restaurateurs, "said Andreas Neuhofer, spokesman of Orderman.

Crucial for a successful application is the number of voting, which reaches the participants, as well as the response evaluation to the question "I am / the right thing for the scholarship, Classify ..".
The final award of the grants made by a jury which consisting of gastronomic experts, on Friday, April 20. The winners will be announced via the trade press as well as Facebook.

About Orderman

   Orderman with its premium products, the leading provider
of technology solutions for the European gastronomy. The handhelds, cash and services the resident in Salzburg are used worldwide in more than 30,000 restaurants employed. Innovative technology with a unique user experience and emotional design have also become a Orderman world market leader and synonymous with mobile working in the catering industry. Every day, on average 20 new restaurants for Orderman. Since 2011 is part of the world Orderman acting NCR Corporation. For more information, see

   Orderman GmbH
   Andreas Neuhofer (Marketing Director)
   Tel: +43 (0) 662 65 05 51-0
   andreas.neuhofer @ orderman.com

READ MORE - 'Gastro-scholarship 2012' Orderman awards

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bellevue International Scholarship Program - 2012

Applications run until March 30
The Bellevue Scholarship Program is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and represented in Portugal by INA.

Objectives: To enhance the process of European integration through the development of networks knowledge and cooperation between officials of the European public administrations.

Program: 12 months Stage of labor in the acceding countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Ireland) with the possibility of pre-stay of 3 months to learn the language. The program runs from September 2012 and December 2013.

* Coverage of travel expenses.
* Assignment of a Bosch Foundation fellowship monthly average value equal to 2500 euros depending on the country.
* The fellows who are employees under appointment continue to receive remuneration for the service of origin. Those who are in the regime of Employment Contract in Public Functions, have only entitled to remuneration for the service of origin within 30 days of absence.

* Be an employee of the Central Government agency in Portugal, under a contract of employment in public functions or indefinite tenure
* Possess a level of academic qualification equivalent to Master's or equivalent
* Have at least 6 years of professional experience after bachelor / master, four of them in Public Administration
* Having held executive management or coordination at the highest level

Applicants should preferably have:
* Experience of study or work abroad;
* Fluency in English;
* Basic knowledge of the intended host country's language;
* Good knowledge of politics and national and international economy;
* Interest in the political development of Europe;
* Ability to negotiate;
* Ability to work in a team;
* Sense of initiative and sense of responsibility;
* Excellent writing skills;
* Ability and willingness to rapidly acquire new professional skills;
* Ability and willingness to work in interdisciplinary working groups

Application Process:
* Application form completed in English;
* Detailed Curriculum Vitae in English;
* Two letters of recommendation, translated into English;
* Authorization for travel and commitment to authorize the deployment of superior authority;
* Copies of certificates of academic qualifications and vocational training more relevant;
* Cover letter in English, which shall state in detail the motivation for applying for the Program, and professional goals of medium and long term expectations for the stay in the host country. It should be also explicitly how the applicant intends to use the new experiences in their future professional activity

Applications must be mailed until the 30th March 2012 to INA, c / Prof. Helena Mouse, Palace of the Marquis of Pombal, 2784-540 Oeiras.

Selection process: The pre-selection of candidates will be made by INA-based curriculum evaluation. The final selection will take place in Stuttgart in May and results from an interview in English, made by the jury composed of representatives of the Robert Bosch Foundation and all partner countries.

Bellevue Fellowship Program
READ MORE - Bellevue International Scholarship Program - 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Grants for training experts in the international cooperation for development

The Directorate General for External Relations and the EU announces 12 scholarships for the training of experts in the international cooperation for development.
The destinations of the scholarships will be the headquarters of the Directorate General for External Relations and the EU, the technical cooperation offices of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (OTC) or any international multilateral organization, which in some countries develop their projects.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

a) Have to be Spanish or national of a Member State of the Union.
b) resident in Galicia.
c) Having been born on January 1, 1980 or after that date.
d) Be in possession of licensed university degree / a, graduate / a, degree or equivalent.
e) Not be or have been the recipient of a scholarship of training in the field of international cooperation for the development of the Galician Government.
f) Failure to maintain current employment relationship with the organization that promotes scholarship or collaborating entities.
g) During the period of the grant of fun, does not cooperate with any agent of the cooperative
h) Not be suffering from disease or affected by physical or mental limitations that are incompatible with the activities for which grants are summoned.

The training activities will be developed over the years 2012 and 2013 with a maximum duration of twelve months from 1 May 2012 and 30 April 2013.
The amount of the grant will be € 1,200 gross per month.

Application forms are available at address:
The deadline for submission of application will be open until February 10, 2012.

More at DOG www.cooperaciongalega.org
READ MORE - Grants for training experts in the international cooperation for development

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Students have scholarships in the U.S.

Twenty-four students and Etec Fatec of 15 cities in the region were chosen for exchange program

The Paula Souza Center yesterday released a list of the names of the 250 best students of the Technical Schools State (Etecs) and Colleges of Technology (Fatecs) that will be awarded scholarships to improve the English language in the United States. In the region, and 24 students Etecs Fatecs of 15 cities were chosen to take courses outside the country

The Cultural Exchange Program is sponsored by the institution for the second consecutive year. In total, 500 students and 100 teachers - 50 of 50 English language and technical disciplines - will benefit. The complete list of covered this second stage is available at the Paula Souza Center (www.centropaulasouza.sp.gov.br)

The 250 students are embarking between April and June this year for U.S. cities. The dates and destinations will be communicated soon. In the second half, is expected to more than 250 boarding students. The Student Travel Bureau (STB) is the company responsible for travel and subsistence costs for students and teachers outside of Brazil.

The scholarships offered include airfare, four-week intensive course, accommodation in host family, transportation, health insurance and stipend of $ 400 or currency equivalent. Not included are costs of passport and visa, which will run on its participants.

To confirm participation in the program, students must present approved at the end of the semester, a Declaration of Graduation. The STB will contact those selected and provide instructions regarding the necessary documentation and travel.

This year, England was included as a target of 50 teachers of English. Another novelty is the provision of grants to 50 other teachers of technical subjects, except Languages. The investment of the State of Sao Paulo in the program in 2012 will be $ 6.32 million.
READ MORE - Students have scholarships in the U.S.

Monday, January 9, 2012

ProUni will offer 195,000 scholarships for the first half of 2012

Brasilia - The University for All Program (ProUni) will offer more than 195,000 scholarships in the first half of 2012. It will be 98,728 full scholarships and 96,302 partial scholarships, with will cover 50% of the cost of tuition. Registration can be made between 14 and 19 January.

May compete for scholarships from students who attended ProUni all through high school in public school or private school on full scholarship. To apply for one of full scholarships, applicants must have household income per capita monthly minimum wage of up to 1.5 ((R $ 933, from January 1). For partial scholarships, the requirement is to have family income per capita of up to three minimum wages, equivalent to R $ 1,866 (from January, considering the new value of the minimum).

To participate in ProUni the student must also have made the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) of 2011, having reached the minimum average of 400 points in five races and not have taken zero in the newsroom.

According to the Ministry of Education (MEC), teachers in public primary schools that compete for scholarships at undergraduate, upper or normal course of pedagogy need not meet the income criterion, they are in actual exercise and integrate permanent staff of the school in which they operate.At enrollment, the applicant may choose up to two choices of course and institution, one less than in the previous selection to the waves of the second half of 2011. According to the MEC, the change is due to "normal hit" system, which undergoes changes with each selection process.

Disclosure of pre-selected candidates in the first call should take place on January 22. Diploma holders will have until the 1st of February to attend the educational institution to submit documentation evidencing the registration information and to register. The second call is scheduled for February 7, with a deadline for enrollment and verification of information by the 15th of that month.Since 2004, ProUni has awarded 919,000 scholarships, according to the MEC. The full schedule and list of available positions for the next semester can be found at the program website.

READ MORE - ProUni will offer 195,000 scholarships for the first half of 2012