Monday, January 9, 2012

ProUni will offer 195,000 scholarships for the first half of 2012

Brasilia - The University for All Program (ProUni) will offer more than 195,000 scholarships in the first half of 2012. It will be 98,728 full scholarships and 96,302 partial scholarships, with will cover 50% of the cost of tuition. Registration can be made between 14 and 19 January.

May compete for scholarships from students who attended ProUni all through high school in public school or private school on full scholarship. To apply for one of full scholarships, applicants must have household income per capita monthly minimum wage of up to 1.5 ((R $ 933, from January 1). For partial scholarships, the requirement is to have family income per capita of up to three minimum wages, equivalent to R $ 1,866 (from January, considering the new value of the minimum).

To participate in ProUni the student must also have made the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) of 2011, having reached the minimum average of 400 points in five races and not have taken zero in the newsroom.

According to the Ministry of Education (MEC), teachers in public primary schools that compete for scholarships at undergraduate, upper or normal course of pedagogy need not meet the income criterion, they are in actual exercise and integrate permanent staff of the school in which they operate.At enrollment, the applicant may choose up to two choices of course and institution, one less than in the previous selection to the waves of the second half of 2011. According to the MEC, the change is due to "normal hit" system, which undergoes changes with each selection process.

Disclosure of pre-selected candidates in the first call should take place on January 22. Diploma holders will have until the 1st of February to attend the educational institution to submit documentation evidencing the registration information and to register. The second call is scheduled for February 7, with a deadline for enrollment and verification of information by the 15th of that month.Since 2004, ProUni has awarded 919,000 scholarships, according to the MEC. The full schedule and list of available positions for the next semester can be found at the program website.