Thursday, February 2, 2012

'Gastro-scholarship 2012' Orderman awards

Two scholarships worth a total of 4,000 Euros are open to students and pupils in Gastro-education institutions to apply now via Facebook. Orderman the initiative 'Orderman Gastro-scholarship 2012' to life
called in to support ambitious future restaurateurs.

The eligible students are Austrian, German and Swiss schools students with an emphasis on hospitality and tourism. Students is endowed with 2,500 € and the one for the students with
1500 €. Submissions are now available via Facebook at possible. Application deadline is
Friday the  April,13 2012.

   In awarding the scholarship, the academic performance the secondary candidates. "Our goal is ambitious future to encourage restaurateurs. We select the student or students, where we have the feeling that they do with their personality and provide their ideas, innovative and successful restaurateurs, "said Andreas Neuhofer, spokesman of Orderman.

Crucial for a successful application is the number of voting, which reaches the participants, as well as the response evaluation to the question "I am / the right thing for the scholarship, Classify ..".
The final award of the grants made by a jury which consisting of gastronomic experts, on Friday, April 20. The winners will be announced via the trade press as well as Facebook.

About Orderman

   Orderman with its premium products, the leading provider
of technology solutions for the European gastronomy. The handhelds, cash and services the resident in Salzburg are used worldwide in more than 30,000 restaurants employed. Innovative technology with a unique user experience and emotional design have also become a Orderman world market leader and synonymous with mobile working in the catering industry. Every day, on average 20 new restaurants for Orderman. Since 2011 is part of the world Orderman acting NCR Corporation. For more information, see

   Orderman GmbH
   Andreas Neuhofer (Marketing Director)
   Tel: +43 (0) 662 65 05 51-0
   andreas.neuhofer @