Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Scholarship fund to supplement with Germany

Studies € 300 a month for at least a year: students who received a scholarship of Germany can look forward to additional Euros in the student budget. Opportunities have not only high school with good grades. Also, commitment is paying off. An attempt is worth it.

The problem for many students: At the end of the money is usually too much month left. There is the rent for the apartment, the phone and internet bill, the books for study and finally the food: Depending on where the account is in spite of a part-time jobs quickly empty again. Much room for volunteer work does not remain there. Who represents himself as a student still in the service of the community can hope for financial support - through the new Germany scholarships.

The criteria for potential grantees describe the information website like this:

Students would be sought with good grades, social engagement, or those who have overcome obstacles to study special biographical arising from the origin. In plain English: If you have a good high school or college score well, who is involved in a club or church, or who cares about his sick mother and studied yet - should apply for the funding of € 300 per month.

"When you look at somehow the chance that it could reasonably fit, then you should definitely try it again. Can not lose much," says Milena Hofer Stube from Wurzburg. The 21-year-old psychology student in her third semester and since October 2011 in the scholarship program. For five years, she takes care of the sons of a single mother. For this she is involved in a project for families where one parent has died of cancer. "With the money from the scholarship can I reduce my student assistant job at the School for a few hours and now I have more time for the university and my social commitment," says Hofer Stube.